#Office365, #SharePoint 2013 : Create a Term Store for Cross Site Navigation

One common task I have heard people want to do is to create a common navigation that can be used across multiple site collections. In previous versions of SharePoint this would be something that required a custom solution. Using the features within SharePoint 2013 though this can be done with no custom code.

First, you will need to create a Group within the Term Store. You may need to work with your site administrators to make sure that you can do this or to get them to assist you in creating it. Scope is important on this one as you will want to ensure you are creating it at a global level and not just within a single site collection. For my example I created a Group called Navigation.

Within this group I created a New Term Set called “Intranet”.


For this Term Set I set the intended use for Site Navigation.

From there I simply added the terms that I wanted to have displayed in my navigation. You could also configure additional navigation settings within the Navigation section of each term. For my example I just selected all the default options.

Once I have things the way that makes sense for my navigation, I will open the team site that I want to use the navigation. You will want to first make sure that publishing is enabled.

One that is enabled you can open the navigation settings and configure the navigation to use your term set.


Once you configure this, the navigation will be linked to the term store, which means changes in the term store will be visible in your navigation. This is a great way to provide consistency for your users across multiple site collections.


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